January 1, 2018
Start of the project
What is a CanSat?
A CanSat is a satellite the size and shape of a conventional beverage can. With this
Minisatellites is a space mission, with planning, construction and implementation to be simulated.
The challenge is to simulate all important components of a satellite,
sensors, a salvage and a communication system, into the minimum volume of a
CanSat in the future. This minisatellite will then implement certain tasks/missions.
In the CanSat competition, each nation builds a special satellite. The primary mission is specified. The secondary mission, on the other hand, can be set by any team. We have already successfully launched our CanSat in the German competition and are now developing it further.
Tell the satellite to measure the air pressure and temperature. From the measured data the altitude should be
and the speed of fall can be determined.
Unser Satellit soll seinen Flug, mithilfe der von ihm gesammelten Daten, autonom regulieren und anschließend
sanft landen. Hierzu dient ein ganz spezielles Bergungssystem, dass aus einem Fallschirm und vier
Rotorarmen besteht (ähnlich wie bei einer Drohne). Kurz vor der Landung wird der Fallschirm abgeworfen, daraufhin klappen automatisch die Rotoren aus, die den CanSat abbremsen und sicher landen. Seinen Flug dokumentiert der CanSat mit verschiedensten Sensoren und Kameras.
The technology and start-up centre from Halle (Saale) forms an interface between science and industry. Although the TGZ also supports us financially, it helps us most by supporting us in creating an excellent sponsoring concept. Without this we would not have found so many sponsors. THANK YOU!
Start of the project
Submission of the application for the German CanSat Competition
Submission of the interim report
Submission of the interim report
Starting campaign in Bremen
Delivery of the Pre-Launch Report
Launch campaign of the European Competition
Submission of the final report
Completion of the project